About FinAgroTech

Finagrotech took an initiative to restore the ecological balance with the help of plantation of the trees and marinating them by applying skilled manpower and Good agricultural practices. A web portal in the name of My Virksh has been developed to meet this object. This portal encourages the plantation of trees with real-time monitoring and Geo-based access to the planted trees. The Portal has a unique feature of integrating various segments of the tree plantation on a single platform in a transparent manner.

Combined with the E- Agriculture module and skill development training module provide an extra edge to irrigate poverty and development of human skills. It also removes the major malpractices and corruption prevalent in the present world.


Natural Products
100% Natural
100% Natural
100% Natural
Process of FinAgroTech
  • Plant a tree from anywhere at the click on of a mouse
  • Plant Yourself & Submit Evidence OR We will plant a tree for you
  • Get a unique Tree ID
  • Stay connected with your tree with help of GPS and view /submit the growth report online.
  • Visit your tree any time.
  • Tell people about your initiative